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One and a half million dinars for “Our Babies”

Titan Cementara Kosjerić continually affirms its voluntary commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility through the support it offers to innovative projects and initiatives, aimed at solving specific problems, particularly in the local community.

Thanks to the wholehearted help of individuals and companies, including TCK, the Health Centre in Kosjerić boasts a new, modern ultrasound machine which is now available to all of our fellow citizens. The procurement of the machine was part of the project symbolically called “Our Babies  ̶ Our Survival”, which was devised and implemented by the K-Town Group association from Kosjerić. TCK recognised the importance of this initiative and directed some 1,500,000 dinars to help buy this ultrasound machine, which is worth more than 1,800,000 dinars in total. Use of the new ultrasound machine with three probes began on 13 November 2015 at the Health Centre in Kosjerić, and it represents a kind of practical support to the improvement of healthcare services, rising birth rates, and the preservation of our municipality.
Soon the “Our Babies – Our Survival” project will also include far-reaching assistance for pregnant women, new mothers and babies, in the form of baby packages and financial resources. You can find more information about this project and the ways you can support it at the website www.nasebebe.ktowngroup.org.rs.


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