Titan Serbia


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Faculty of Mining and Geology Students Visit our Company

On April 15th TITAN Cementara Kosjerić had the honor to play host to 35 third year students of the Faculty of Mining and Geology in Belgrade. The young future experts accompanied by their professor visited us as a part of their regular field teaching, that was organized in accordance with their university program.

As with any activity in TCK this professional specialization started with the topic of health and safety workplace. The safety measures, that all visitors of our company have to follow, as well as the general health and safety system, were introduced by our colleague Pavle Ljubičić, a representative of our Health and Safety department.

After that, our colleagues Momčilo Perišić and Nenad Karamarković, managers for TCK quarry-related work, explained the process of cement production through a presentation, as well as all aspects of the Shaft and Tunnel project on the quarry Suvo vrelo, thanks to which the way of limestone exploitation has started to change.

After the classes were finished, the students visited the quarry Suvo vrelo, where they could directly witness the scope, complexity, but also the challenges and benefits of the Shaft and Tunnel project, to the theoretical concept of which they had been previously introduced.

In the afternoon hours our academic visitors returned to Belgrade with new knowledge and, as they stated, pleasant impressions that they carried with them from Cementara, which will hopefully contribute to their future education and growth, at the university and in their future professions.

Studenti RGF


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