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Workshop: CV Writing and Job Interview

A Focus Group on Employment and Equal Opportunities was launched at the initiative of Titan Cementara Kosjerić in December 2014 as one of five focus groups addressing themes of key importance for the development of the local community. The primary goal of this programme is boosting the conditions for improvement of employment and equal opportunities for all categories of society in order to reduce the influence of adverse factors contributing to unemployment in Kosjerić. The voluntary engagement of the group involves inter alia representatives of relevant local institutions and organisations such as: National Employment Service, Kosjerić Municipality, Social Work Centre, Kosjerić Technical School, Ko.AKTIVA NGO, and Titan Cementara Kosjerić.



Within its concept of workshops and lectures on employment and active job seeking and professional education of fellow citizens, on 6th June 2015, Saturday, the Focus Group on Employment and Equal Opportunities organised a workshop: CV Writing and Job Interview. The introductory part of the lecture was related to methods of creative thinking as an important process in creating ideas and developing innovation.

The one-day workshop, which was open to every interested fellow citizen, provided the participants with personalised support in creation of a job CV that will present future candidates’ best qualities in the best manner, in accordance with the current requirements of employers. The seminar was complemented with simulation of a job interview as a modern and widespread employment practice. Ljiljana Spasojević Tošović, HR Manager at Titan Cementara Kosjerić was the lecturer at the workshop held in the premises of TCK Info Centre.

Positive impressions of participants in the training pointed to the beneficial character and applicability of knowledge and advice they obtained during the lecture, which shows that the workshop met their needs for education and practical training in the strategy of professional acknowledgement through active job seeking.


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