Titan Serbia


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With common will we are building a colourful world of growing up

As of recently, a palette of yellow, red, blue and green has adorned the fence of the yard of the Olga Grbić Preschool Institution in Kosjerić, thanks to a volunteer painting initiative organised by the employees of the company Titan Cementara Kosjerić (TCK) on Saturday, 3rd October 2015. Preschool institution employees also joined the action to brighten up the exterior of the kindergarten, bringing the number of supporting the initiative to 40 people willing to delight the preschool children with the colourful decor, and contribute to making the town look even better.

Before the painting got underway Health and Safety Manager and Engineer at TCK, on behalf of the organiser, addressed those present and gave a rundown of the basic safety rules to be followed when painting the fence, as well as of the risks and harms of using paint.

With sandpaper, brushes and rollers in hand, the volunteers, grouped by colour, made sure the kindergarten yard got a new, fresh design, suited to the modern requirements of space intended for children. In a hardworking atmosphere, the volunteers managed to paint all 120 bars of the fence, in just less than 6 hours.

And in doing so, they achieved the goal of Titan’s volunteer initiative in full: the Olga Grbić Preschool Institution became a safer and more beautiful environment, in which our youngest fellow citizens can play carefree and learn with their peers, and we managed to show that large sums of money are often not required for events such as this one, but something else – a little good will and people ready to give up their free time for the good of the entire community.

This is just the beginning for us, and we are looking forward to the next volunteer initiatives! We would like to thank all colleagues who were involved and we invite them to join us again next time.


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