Titan Serbia


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Through education we’re building a ladder of progress

Pupils in Kosjerić have the honour of their learning efforts and good results being regularly followed, encouraged and rewarded by the globally renowned cement company Titan Cementara Kosjerić. The support of Titan Cementara Kosjerić is indispensable in the implementation of many school events, competitions, projects and educational programmes, and the company promotes the importance of education and continuous training among young people, and at the same time acts as a model of a business system that is built on the principles of commitment, continuous advancement and social responsibility.

Every year TCK raises the pride felt by the best pupils because of their grades with valuable Vidovdan (St. Vitus Day) awards, highlighting that a ladder to personal and professional development is built through education. This school year also ends with this affirmation of effort and knowledge. Outstanding pupils from all schools in the municipality of Kosjerić took pride in the congratulations and gifts from Titan Cementara.

With the public affirmation of the best pupils, Titan Cementara Kosjerić emphasises the importance of school institutions and educational processes which open promising roads for pupils, through education and upbringing, to meet the requirements of the modern world.


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