Titan Serbia


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Sustainable Benefits of Concrete Structures

On Wednesday, April 16 at 11 o’clock the Serbian Association of Cement Industry “CIS” will be hosting a presentation of “Sustainable benefits of concrete structures” publication at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Belgrade (73, Kralja Aleksandra Boulevard, Belgrade).

Sustainability lies at the heart of construction and design. A sustainable approach of construction brings lasting environmental, social and economic benefits to a construction project. From that perspective, concrete achieves high valuable properties as a construction material limiting the impacts of a building or infrastructure on its surroundings. A reliable, universal, durable and versatile construction material that can endure for centuries, concrete can contribute to an environmentally secure future for present and future generations.

The cement industry of Serbia actively promotes sustainable construction to enhance public awareness, in line with adopted principles of Corporate Social Responsibility. As sustainable materials utilisation is one of the challenges cement industry is facing today, Serbian cement plants have been directing their efforts towards improvements of working conditions quality, as well as reducing environmental impact.


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