Titan Serbia


Upravljanje-zastitom zivotne sredine mob

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We have built-in bag filters on all our process emitters to reduce dust emission into the air.


As a result of the state-of-the-art filters installed and other measures taken, the dust emissions from TITAN Cement Plant Kosjerić is many times below the prescribed emission limit values.


The average fifteen-day values of dust emissions on the rotary kiln, in the current year (as in previous years), are far below the limit value of 20 mg/Nm3, and are shown in the graphs:

Average dust emissions over a two-week period in 2021.


ELV – Emission Limit Value 20 mg/Nm3 (IPPC Permit number: 353-01-00372/2018-03, 10.07.2018.)

Nm³ – 273.15K temperature, 101.3 kPa pressure, dry gas, at 10% of oxygen