Sector standards for non-financial disclosure

The Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) has built its Sustainability Charter around five (5) Sustainability Pillars, to encompass the full sustainability spectrum for its work purposes:
Pillar 1: Health and Safety, Pillar 2: Climate Change and Energy, Pillar 3: Social Responsibility, Pillar 4: Environment and Nature and Pillar 5: Circular Economy.
The terminology of ‘Pillars’ is specific to the GCCA Charter of commitments for member companies, and details are available in the Charter and Framework Guidelines in the GCCA website:
TITAN continued efforts in 2022 for implementing the GCCA 2050 Roadmap to Net Zero Concrete “Concrete Future” and focused on SBTi Targets for the 1.5 degrees scenario, while continuing active participation in various working groups and contributing with knowhow and expertise, in line with its practice since the foundation of the Sectoral Association.
In 2022 TITAN participated in the first GCCA Compliance Charter Audit, with purposes including (a) supporting members in developing implementing their sustainability strategy (focused but not limited to GCCA obligations), (b) enabling the assessment of members’ sustainability performance and benchmark with peer companies, (c) Identifying areas where the GCCA guidelines and charter need to be clarified or strengthened.
The UNCTAD Guidance provides meaningful connections of KPIs with the most relevant SDGs and specific targets for each SDG, and is leveraged under the reporting approach of TITAN for all focus areas of De-carbonization and Digitalization, Growth-enabling work environment, Positive local impact focus area, Responsible sourcing, and Good governance, transparency, and business ethics.
TITAN Group, as a parent company, covers TCK regarding the Communication on Progress of the UN Global Compact.