Titan Serbia


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New Year′s Fairy Tale in TCK

In anticipation of the New Year and Christmas holidays, we organized a traditional New year’s celebration for the employees’ children in our plant. Our youngest Titans enjoyed the “Wacky New Year’s Fairy Tale” performed by “Puls Teatar” from Lazarevac, after which Santa Claus, with his helpers, was giving New Year’s presents to the little ones, in front of the magic photo-mirror.

NG proslava u TCK

The next day, December 28, we invited the theater troupe “Teatar 031 M” to the stage of the Cultural Center in Kosjerić, who spread the New Year’s euphoria among our youngest fellow citizens. The children welcomed the “New Year in the Enchanted Forest” smiling, singing and dancing together with the actors from Užice theater.

Happy New Year!


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