Titan Serbia


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Materiality Assessment 2015

Titan Cementara Kosjerić’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy is strategically based on open and mutual communication with all stakeholders, the objective being that by working hard, together, we can build a path towards sustainable development both within the community in which we operate as well as in society as a whole. With the ongoing desire to affirm partnerships with the local community, on 3 December 2015 TCK for a second time, organised a stakeholders’ meeting entitled Our Community – Our Responsibility. This gathering was attended by the most influential members of our community, representatives of local organisations and institutions, as well as our business partners ─ customers and suppliers.

According to GRI G4 standards, rating materiality is an important step in defining the content of sustainability reports while including stakeholders in the evaluation process is an important foundation for the company, to adequately respond to the reasonable expectations and needs of all key stakeholders.

The result of this productive and open dialogue between Titan and the local community is the identification of key topics, which should be the focus of TCK’s following CSR and Sustainable Development Report. In addition, they serve as a parameter which orients the company’s essential strategy within this area, thereby setting guidelines for its further development.


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