Titan Serbia


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Education Panel of the “Reto” Centre That Gives Hope

In order to educate young people about addiction diseases, as a way of preventing and raising awareness about that issue, “Reto” centre from Belgrade visited Kosjerić last November and organized a one-hour lecture and discussion with students and teachers at the Technical School about the activities of its programme.

Being located in more than 30 countries worldwide, the “Reto – ima nade” centre has operated in Serbia since 2004. It was founded as a humanitarian, non-profit organization for rehabilitation and providing moral, cultural, material and spiritual assistance to persons belonging to various socially marginalized groups, who are mostly drug and alcohol addicts. Former participants, who are now volunteers of this initiative, talk with young people about their personal experience and they point out the seriousness and importance of the problem in the field of addiction disorder. They are optimistic and selfless in sharing challenges and difficult life situations they went through. Gaining experience through their own examples, but also through the examples of other centre residents, the educators call for a negative attitude towards the use of psychoactive substances, at the same time emphasizing the values of family, friends, sports and healthy life habits that should be fostered.

Reto - ima nade

As part of its regular activities, the centre organizes camps for children and education workshops throughout Serbia. As a token of gratitude to TITAN Cementara Kosjerić for supporting their activities, this time the “Reto” association organized an education panel for high school students in Kosjerić, as part of a greater campaign contributing to the positive development of young people.


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