Titan Serbia


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Days of Titan Cementara Kosjeric

This year sees the 37th anniversary of our company. The TCK’s “birthday” always gives an opportunity to socialize with fellow workers and friends. The first days of spring, traditionally bring Sports Days to citizens of Kosjerić, an event organized by TCK which promotes a healthy spirit and joint values of TCK and our community.

From March 30 through April 5, this year, over 300 fellow citizens took part in numerous recreational physical activities and sports. A large number of mountaineer fans participated in a mountaineering event organized with the support of the Mountaineering and Ecology Club “Subjel”, while various competitions in chess, table tennis, darts, volleyball and indoor football were arranged by our enthusiastic employees and Kosjerić Municipality. We are very grateful to representatives of sports clubs in Kosjerić for their volunteer work. Their sportsmanship, positive energy and enthusiasm promote Kosjerić as a fun-friendly community. Special thanks go to the representative of municipal administration in charge of sports and to the team of Radio Kosjerić for generous support in organizing Sports Days.

The celebration of TCK’s Days took place at the “Olimpik” Hotel, on April 6. The ceremony began with the presentation of business results and strategy for future development of TCK. Our workfellows were having fun and socializing with guests from the municipal administration, organizations and sports clubs. Once again, TCK confirmed its commitment to invest in good cooperation and communication with the community.

As usual, at the ceremony held on the occasion of Titan Cement Kosjerić’s Days, the prizes were awarded for the best project proposals aimed at improving occupational health and safety at work. For the first time this year, the best idea aimed to improve the environment and quality of life was awarded by our colleague.


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