Titan Serbia


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A Decade of TITAN in Kosjeric

TITAN Cementara Kosjeric has invested 50 million euros in production modernization since the commencement of the privatization process, of which 15 million euros has been invested in environmental protection issues. The local community of Kosjeric has been provided with a financial support of 11 million euros.

Apart from a stable uphold to the local community of Kosjeric, TCK is recognized as a reliable partner by the society institutions, corporate affiliates, cement industry members, authorities, ministry departments as well as educational and cultural institutions.

One of the most significant resources in the company are the employees and our priority is to focus on their constant participation in the programs for education and development processes. In 2011-2011 our employees participated in more than 18,000 hours training, development and educational programs. Inevitability of taking care of health is omnipresent in conscious-raising in our employees which results in organized medical check-ups on a regular basis. Moreover, the employees` loyalty and their period of employment with our company are regularly rewarded. The company takes care of its employees their families and children while the programs for development of safety awareness are continuously carried out in primary school.

We also continued with rewarding the best proposals for health and safety improvement at work.


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