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TCK lecture – Prevention of diseases of the digestive system

In the broad spectrum of its creative socially responsible actions, harmonised with the needs of the community, Titan Cementara Kosjerić has included the practice of medical education under the slogan “One home. One world. One heart.” which has once again been organised for the citizens of Kosjerić.

In order to explain from a professional standpoint the risks and ways to prevent the most common pathological conditions of the body, the latest lecture was held with the theme “Diseases of the digestive system”, which was delivered by an internist of gastroenterohepatology at Health Centre Užice. The presentation of this medical field, which was held on April 7 at Hotel Olympic, has been successfully popularised thanks to the efforts of employees in TCK who have encouraged other organisations and the local public to attend the lecture and thus engage in a campaign to promote a general culture of health.

The specialist lecture was concentrated on the presentation of contemporary causes conditioned by the modern way of life, which lead to the development of diseases of the digestive tract, with the presentation of consequences due to untimely and inadequate preventive measures. Stress has been highlighted as one of the main challengers of various disorders and malignancies of the gastroenterology system, and therefore it requires an additional attention in the approach to the prevention of digestive diseases. Useful medical education has provided the visitors with reliable answers to specific interesting questions and allowed them to ask for advice on diet and correct habits for a better and healthier life from Dr. Lučić, a specialist with rich professional experience.

A chief of General Practice in Health Centre Kosjerić, also attended the lecture. In that institution, a screening programme that identifies critical groups, maintains records, and gives the opportunity to obtain some preliminary results for the purpose of preventive care, was established. On this occasion, represenative of Health Centre Kosjerić has invited citizens to join the screening programme, and thus contribute to keeping their own health.


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