Titan Serbia


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2019 Integrated Annual Report


 TITAN Cementara Kosjerić published the 2019 Integrated Report, presenting the most significant financial results and key indicators in the field of environment and society.

In 2019, TITAN Cementara Kosjerić confirmed its dedication to sustainable business growth with the care for people, society and the environment. This Report marks the tenth anniversary of the company’s consecutive reporting on its non-financial indicators and its efforts to participate in a transparent, open and proactive dialogue together with the key stakeholders.

In 2019, the Company achieved good results, with 3.3% EBIDTA growth relative to the previous year, and also made progress in the field of social and environmental objectives, in accordance with the identified material topics for the stakeholders and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

The high criteria set by TITAN Cementara Kosjerić in the field of environmental protection are supported by continuous investments and the consequent visible results, which we follow and promote constantly. The excellent performance in the implementation of environmentally functional and sustainable procedures is guaranteed by the present investments into ecology, amounting to EUR 20 million.

The Report was certified by the independent auditors of Grant Thornton Serbia, adding that the Company’s 2019 Report meets the advanced level of the UN Global Compact Communication on Progress (COP).

At the moment of drafting this Report, the circumstances caused by the coronavirus outbreak have led to significant changes in our operations and at the macroeconomic level. From the very beginning of the crisis, the Company has undertaken all measures to protect the safety and health of employees and contractors, ensure continued work and respond to customer needs. The coronavirus outbreak impact is included in the section: Risk Management (page: 11) of the 2019 Integrated Annual Report.

Please download the full TITAN Cementara Kosjerić 2019 Integrated Report here.

For more information about integrated reporting, please see the web site of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC): www.integratedreporting.org.


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