Together We Build Sustainable Relations
TITAN Cementara Kosjerić presented its eighth Integrated Annual Report for 2017 within the Open Plant Day event in order to familiarize the local public with the process of cement production, as well as with the environmental and health and safety measures applied by the Company. Modern and demanding format of our current Report frames the business philosophy of sustainable development, in which TITAN Cementara Kosjerić combines economic, environmental and social objectives based on continuous investment in skills and lifelong learning.

During our fifteen-year work within the TITAN Group, until 2017, we invested more than EUR 60,000,000 in modernization of production and the entire business process, and supported local community development with over EUR 17,000,000. By investing in the welfare of the working and living environment, we promote the idea of a common growth of both business and society, which we prove in our everyday practice. We remain on the road of stability and business development with the improvement of three segments: our financial results, support to the local community and environmental protection”, said Miroslav Gligorijević, General Manager of TITAN Cementara Kosjerić.
Environmental management determines a vision of ecological sustainability, systematically investing in an effective use of water and energy, biodiversity preservation, and emission reduction, with the consequent effects against climate change. Special attention in the Report is dedicated to the quality of ambient air in Kosjerić and the plant’s impact on the parameters of ambient air quality in Kosjerić. The data of the Environmental Protection Agency is presented, based on the results of the measurement of the automatic station, which show that air quality in Kosjerić is of excellent quality outside the heating season, much better than at other measuring points. Air quality data in Kosjerić show that with the application of effective protection measures, the industry can function without endangering the healthy environment.

Complete TITAN Cementara Kosjerić’s Integrated Annual Report for 2017 you can download here. For more information on integrated reporting, visit International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) website: