We have presented our Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report for 2012 on October 24, 2013 in Kosjeric. This has been the third annual report of this kind prepared in accordance with internationally accepted Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) instructions. It has been verified by KPMG independent auditing firm in Serbia and received a B+ rating, which best illustrates the TCK’s efforts to improve the environment and the society at large, by continuous monitoring of the results.
“Despite the continuing economic crises, TCK’s support to the community has not declined for even a single moment. Over the past year, our investment in developing a safety culture and achieving safe and healthy work environment, free of accidents, has continued. Our environmental priorities remain unchanged. Further reduction in emission, water consumption and the increased use of renewable resources will significantly contribute to preserving biodiversity and helping slow climate change. Since we are the first company in Serbia to obtain an IPPC permit, all our activities are aimed at addressing contemporary challenges and finding beneficial solutions for all stakeholders. Cooperation with the community by supporting the implementation of different projects confirms our belief that trust and open cooperation is best way to achieve good and lasing results, as this event also encourages“, said Miroslav Gligorijevic, Titan Cementara Kosjeric Chief Executive Officer.
The event was attended by CSR Director of TITAN Group, representative from KPMG and from the Committee for Environment and Sustainable Development of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, who emphasized the importance of sustainable development reporting, both for companies and for society. The reporting process improves the level of business transparency and engagement of stakeholders, whose feedback can influence the operation of businesses.
This event is designed to be another opportunity for direct communication with citizens, whose meticulously recorded comments will be incorporated in the future reports of Titan Cementara Kosjeric, along with our strategy and business circumstances.
Since 2002, out of around € 56 million investment aimed at improving the working conditions, increasing the capacity and optimizing business processes, Titan Cementara Kosjeric has invested almost € 16 million in the environmental projects. Our company is committed to transparent communication on introducing alternative fuels in the production process, which can bring multiple benefits to the local community and the environment, as well as to the society and TCK.
The complete 2012 Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report of Titan Cementara Kosjeric is available on the web page Reports and in Titan Cementara Kosjeric Info Center.