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The Beginning of Professional Career at Titan Cementara Kosjerić

For the past three years TCK has organized a three-month program aimed at providing professional development within the framework of its CSR policy. This program is entitled “Knowledge for Challenges – Creating a culture of continuous learning”. The program is intended primarily for students who are in their final year or have just completed their degree. It provides an environment where the theoretical knowledge students acquire at university receives empirical support. The Company thereby gives young people from the local community the opportunity to increase know-how and improve skills, as well as to start developing their careers.

During the selection process, students master the initial steps that will be useful in job hunting in the future. Applying for this internship program entails that students submit a Motivational letter and a CV, after which they are subjected to an interview, identical to a real job interview. This is an excellent incentive for improving personal presentation strategies and business communication skills.

This year, the eight selected interns from Kosjerić completed Titan’s traditional professional development training, gaining vital work experience within the fields of H&S, Purchasing, Quality, HR, Production, Sales and Finance and Accounting. The selected interns first completed a one-week Induction program, where employees from all of TCK’s various sectors took time out to explain how the entire plant functions. More specifically focused training was then continued within each of the organizational units.

This year’s interns in Titan’s development of future staff training have expressed positive opinions regarding the plant’s organization and the expertise of their mentors, who were committed and generously passed on know-how. The opportunity to utilize their university educations in the specialized, substantial and modern internship program offered by Titan Cementara Kosjerić, provides young people with greater possibilities within the labor market and the chance to achieve their professional ambitions.


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