“Mito Igumanović” Elementary School in Kosjerić announced the fifth Science Festival on its web-site: “All theories are relative, while the scientific fun we have been preparing for you at the fifth Science Festival organized in a row is absolute. We do not want to sound pretentious, but what we managed to do in practice exceed our expectations”.
This was an invitation to all wishing to step into the world of science, to come to the “Mito Igumanović “Elementary School on Saturday, March 16, 2013. During the Science Festival, they had opportunity to spend the whole day with lecturers and be part of interactive programs, exhibitions, presentations, experiments and also learn about other interesting findings prepared by a team composed of pupils and teachers. Many scientific theories and facts were presented in an attractive way and brought the miraculous world of scientific achievements closer to participants. Events like these make us realize that the power of learning pushes the limits and encourages development, which is an important value that should be nourished from the earliest age.
The Science Festival was supported by Titan Cementara Kosjeric, financially and through direct participation. Our workfellows from Production Department, Quality Department, Mechanical Maintenance Department and Environmental Department, demonstrated to the youngest interesting experiments and the use of modern technology in TCK. Thermal imager, laser distance measuring device, thickness measurement with ultrasound, chemical experiments and a film about cement production contributed significantly to better understanding of our business process. The level of enthusiasm expressed by our workfellows during the preparation and presentation at the Science Festival is a good example of successful promotion of volunteer work for the purpose of acquiring new knowledge.