Titan Cementara Kosjeric announces a call for the best project proposals in the Municipality of Kosjeric, aimed to improve the quality of life for citizens and encourage others to join and contribute to the creation of better living environment. The best project proposals will be selected and awarded.
For the purposes of this call, project proposals falling within the following areas/disciplines will be considered: Culture (promotion of cultural events and projects having local and possibly wider impacts), Environment (promotion of environmental protection and projects increasing environmental awareness), Education (improvement of education environment) and Social Care and inclusion. Selection of the best project will be done according to the following criteria: focus on solving real problems faced by citizens; demonstrated benefits for citizens; compliance with core values of Titan Cementara Kosjeric and Local Development Strategy of Kosjeric Municipality.
This call for proposals will remain open between 10 February and 26 February 2016. The winners will be announced at a formal ceremony on 11 March. Maximum total amount for funding the most successful project proposals is €20,000. The competition is open to non-governmental, non-profit and humanitarian organizations, and citizens’ associations and institutions registered in the Municipality of Kosjeric.