Titan Serbia


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Cooperation with “Mito Igumanović“ Primary School – “Safety First“ Project

Within the Action Plan of the Committee for Corporate Social Responsibility, Titan Cement Kosjerić launched a project “Safety First”. Encouraged by efforts to improve occupational health and safety in the plant; raise awareness about the importance of this topic not only among our employees and their families but also in the whole community; and share the knowledge gained during our work, we decided to highlight the importance of this topic through socializing with fourth grade pupils of “Mito Igumanović” primary school.
One of the most important aspects of the project was the participation of other important institutions dealing with the issues related to safety of children: Police Station, Health Care Centre, Primary School and Voluntary Fire Brigade. All organizations were delighted to take part in the project considering the importance and need for continuous education on this topic.

In agreement with the school and teachers, workshops for safety were organized for 66 fourth grade pupils. During the first meetings on “Safety on the way from home to school”, the pupils were visited by representatives of the Kosjerić Police Station. Through games and discussion, the “four graders” were reminded of basic traffic rules and most common mistakes that can lead them into danger.

Doctor from the Health Center in Kosjerić talked with children about the ways of preventing possible injuries while playing – at home, school, playground, training, swimming pool … Forthcoming New Year holidays were a good occasion for useful recommendations on the use of pyrotechnics, which can cause serious injury.

The third seminar was dedicated to safety at school. Teachers and representative of the Voluntary Fire Brigade joined the workshop. They discussed some seemingly innocuous things done by children that may endanger the health and safety at school.
Education of children ended by organizing a visit to our plant, and they were explained about the cement production process and the importance and meaning of occupational safety.
Within the workshops, children made illustrations of acquired knowledge. A TCK Panel awarded the most successful artists with symbolic awards. Their illustrations, together with other selected paintings appeared on our 2011 Safety Calendar.


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