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“CoNStruction 22” ‒ International Conference of Civil Engineering, Geodesy and Architecture Students

On 11 November 2022, the Students’ Union of the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad organized an event CoNStruction for the seventh time. The conference was realized with the support of TITAN Cementara Kosjerić and other companies from related industries.

The aim of the event was professional development, acquiring new knowledge and training students, through unique interaction with companies which operate successfully. The project included civil engineering, geodesy and architecture students from all over the world, professors, researchers and company representatives. Their cooperation involves the exchange of experience, new ideas and results related to all aspects of construction and project management, including discussions about practical challenges encountered in those areas. The forum provides an introduction to new technological and business trends that eminent companies from the construction industry present through their lectures.

The TITAN Cementara Kosjerić’s team briefly presented the cement production process, company products and information about the impact of the cement industry on the environment to young professionals. In addition, the participants were provided with information about Cementara’s commitment to sustainable development and the creation of long-term goals related to reducing CO2 emissions and mitigating climate changes.


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